PGYTech Mavic Air 2 Landing Gear Review
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

PGYTech Mavic Air 2 Landing Gear Review

ND filters are common filters to have while shooting video with any camera, but if you don't want to have multiple filters with varying strengths and swap filters - there are a number of Variable Neutral Density filters out there to choose from.

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Mavic Air Battery Information & Overview
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

Mavic Air Battery Information & Overview

The Mavic Air batteries are one of those things that you can never have enough of. Knowing the limitations of the battery can help you plan out your shoots better and squeeze as much time out of the Mavic battery as you can.

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Mavic Air Quick Start Guide
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

Mavic Air Quick Start Guide

Let's setup and activate your new Mavic Air! Setting up and registering aren't the same thing, so be sure to register your drone on the FAA's website in this article!

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Mavic Air Luts and Presets
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

Mavic Air Luts and Presets

Using the Aerial Guide LUTs & Preset packages can help both speed up your editing workflows and make your photos and footage look more cohesive and similar to each other.

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