Best Mavic 2 Pro Picture Profiles | DLog-M, HLG, & Normal | Mavic 2 Pro LUT Pack + Creative LUTs

Best Mavic 2 Pro Picture Profiles | Best Camera Settings

Most of the settings on the Mavic 2 Pro are pretty straight forward, but choosing a picture profile is one of those things that you can’t truly see the results of until you do some trial and error. In this article we’re going to find out which picture profile is best for us Mavic 2 owners.

If you're interested in my Mavic 2 Pro LUT Pack I used to quickly color grade all of the different picture profiles, it's available here on the Aerial Guide Shop!

In the video above, I go over the multiple use cases for the different Mavic 2 Pro Picture Profiles and Camera Settings, here is a distilled version of what that video is saying for the picture profiles. I will urge you to watch the video if you'd like to see the results for yourself though!

Mavic 2 Pro H.265 vs H.264, DLOG-M, HLG & Normal picture profiles

  • H.264 Normal

    • Minimal editing

    • Can’t push too far

    • Poor shadow detail, can’t pull much detail out of shadows

  • H.265 Normal

    • Minimal editing, good colors

    • Can’t push too far, but slightly more flexible than H.264

    • Poor shadow detail, can pull some out though

  • H.265 DLog-M

    • Requires more editing, good colors with work

    • Can be pushed far.

    • Can look ‘normal’ or be pushed to creative coloring

    • Barrel distortion that needs corrected

    • Good shadow detail

  • H.265 HLG

    • Requires more editing, fantastic colors, too saturated, needed to desaturate the greens

    • Can be pushed very far

    • Requires work to look ‘normal'

    • Barrel distortion that needs corrected

    • Good shadow detail

My Mavic 2 Pro LUT Pack

If you're interested in using the LUT pack that I used in my above video, it's available here on the Aerial Guide Shop! Thanks for supporting me and Aerial Guide!


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