Part 107: Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on a sUAS as compared to straight-and-level flight?
Questions based on the Part 107. Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on a sUAS as compared to straight-and-level flight?

Part 107: As a pilot, flying for long periods in hot summer temperatures increases the susceptibility of dehydration because...
Questions based on the Part 107. As a pilot, flying for long periods in hot summer temperatures increases the susceptibility of dehydration because

Part 107: During a flight of your small UA, you observe a hot air balloon entering the area. You should....
Questions based on the Part 107

How to Read a METAR Weather Report
Reading a METAR report and understanding weather is an important part of flying. When taking the FAA Part 107 exam for commercial operation of a sUAS, weather and reading METAR / TAF reports make up a large percentage of the test questions, so mastering weather is a must.

Learning the Nato Phonetic Alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...
The Phonetic Alphabet can seem difficult to understand at first, but using this phonetic alphabet list it should be easier to understand.

Sectional Chart Airspace Classification Overview
There are 6 different classifications for airspace and each of them have a different way of being marked on a sectional chart. In this article, were going to walk through the different classes of airspace.

How to Calculate the Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF) on a Sectional Chart
It turns out that there are two different formulas for calculating the Maximum Elevation Figure based on different terrain.