PGYTech Mavic Air 2 Landing Gear Review
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

PGYTech Mavic Air 2 Landing Gear Review

ND filters are common filters to have while shooting video with any camera, but if you don't want to have multiple filters with varying strengths and swap filters - there are a number of Variable Neutral Density filters out there to choose from.

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Ulanzi Anamorphic Mavic Air 2 Review
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

Ulanzi Anamorphic Mavic Air 2 Review

The check out the Mavic Air 2 Anamorphic Lens from Ulanzi. It's a pretty reasonably priced Mavic Air 2 Lens, but is it worth shooting with and trying out?

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How to Shoot FPV Footage with Mavic Air 2
Keith Knittel Keith Knittel

How to Shoot FPV Footage with Mavic Air 2

Shooting FPV footage with Mavic Air 2 can give you some unique perspectives to set your drone footage apart from everyone else! Let's learn how to shoot the best FPV footage with our Mavic Air 2, but this applies to all DJI drones with FPV mode, like the Mavic 2 Pro and Zoom as well.

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