Top 10 Osmo Action Tips and Tricks | Shoot Better Photos & Videos

The Osmo Action is an awesome action camera that I've been using for a while now, and I've learned a few Osmo Action Tips and Tricks since I've been using it. In this video, I'm going to go over my favorite tips and tricks for the Osmo Action!

1. Learn when RockSteady is enabled, disabled or unsupported

RockSteady is a great resource to have when you’re holding the camera, but it’s easy to accidentally turn it on/off while adjusting settings on the back of the camera. Since the Osmo Action stabilization is electronic, not all recording formats are supported. For example, 4K 4:3 isn’t supported at all, and 1080p above 120fps and above isn’t supported.

When using RockSteady the rear screen lags due to the stabilization. I wish DJI would just show the real time screen and not preview the stabilized footage and get rid of the delay, but at the same time it’s kind of nice that they previewed the stabilized footage for framing purposes - but the lag makes it completely unusable. If they were going to make that design decision, they needed to increase the CPU power of the Osmo Action to keep up with all that processing without lag.

2. Get Proper Exposure

Like any camera, the Osmo Action needs to use ND filters to properly expose your shots adhering by the 180º shutter rule. Especially since this camera is designed to be used outside in harsh sunlight capturing activities, the use of ND filters that bring down the the stop of light a few stops are needed.

My most recommended filter manufacturer is Polar Pro, but this is the first drone/small camera I didn’t purchase filters from them and bought filters that can securely thread onto the Osmo Action’s camera. Polar Pro is using a magnetic connection on this camera for some reason, and on an action camera thats designed to be mounted to things and thrown around, I didn’t feel confident using a magnetic filter that could fall off (filters are expensive!).

I went with the Freewell bright day ND/PL filters since they can securely thread onto the front of the Osmo Action securely without the risk of something bumping the camera and removing the expensive filter along with it.

This is not a sponsored post, this is just how I feel!

3. Timelapses are a compiled video

Timelapses on the Osmo Action are more like time lapses on the GoPro series of cameras, than the Osmo Pocket. The Osmo Action outputs a 4K, 2K or 1080p pre-made video based on the video settings. The Osmo Pocket shoots a sequence of photos, then also generates a 1080p version of the video. Editing and compiling the photos is more work, but yields higher quality results. This is not surprising because the Osmo Action is competing more with the GoPros than the Osmo Pocket, but it’s something to note.

I’d recommend always shooting time lapses in 4K to have the most flexibility and the largest resolution.

4. Dewarp footage

If you’re not a fan of the fisheye look (it has it’s place, but not in all your footage), then you can select the dewarp option under the settings. Dewarp will crop in on your video, but it will also make for noticeably less distortion in your videos. If you don’t have to get extremely close to something, I’d recommend using dewarp for most of your footage.

5. Adjust Quick Switch settings

Quickly adjusting settings is a big part of action cameras because, well, you don’t want to miss any of the action. Modifying the quick switch menu to only have the options that you use will make overall operation of switching modes easier and faster.

To adjust your quick switch settings, pull down from top of screen, select Settings, Quick Switch and check the boxes you want to have quick access to. Simple as that.

6. Adjust your SnapShot settings

Snapshot is the mode you can immediately start when the camera is off and you press the shutter button. This can be configured by swiping down from the rear screen and selecting settings, SnapShot and selecting the mode you’d like to start in. You can only select one of these modes to start with, so I suggest configuring your Quick Switch modes for swapping between modes quickly!

7. Turn the sounds off and disable Voice Control… most of the time

They are annoying right out of the box when you are playing with it for the first time. However, if you use the Osmo Action completely mounted, on a helmet riding a motorcycle for example, enabling the voice control and sounds would be a life save to avoid taking your helmet off and on all the time. Overall the voice commands and sounds are very annoying - but they do have their place!

8. Turn the Gridlines on

This is a given, but the gridlines are going to give you a consistent line to frame shots and keep a level horizon. Very important, should be on by default.

9. Use the DJI Mimo App when possible, it’s easier to adjust the camera setting

The menu system of the Osmo Action is good, but some of the settings are spread out across multiple on camera screens. In the DJI Mimo app, most of the settings are in the same panels, making the adjustments of settings much easier.

10. The front screen is not a touch screen, you have to swap screens by tapping the back of the screen.

Bonus Quick Tips:

  • Take the door off

  • Double tap the rear screen with two fingers to swap the screens

  • Turn off the LEDs, or at least the front one!


Osmo Action: How To Charge & Battery Life


Osmo Action: How to Remove Side Door